Discovering the flipside of Trondheim

What lies under the surface? Photo: Will Lee-Wright/The List Archive
Freediving is the art of exploring the underwater world with minimal equipment and supported by strong techniques. To many this is a totally new and unknown sport. It provides a beautiful way to further explore the Trøndelag region. If you only stay on dry land, you’re really only experiencing a small part of the nature which surrounds us daily.
Most freedivers, when they say they are freedivers, are immediately asked two questions: How long can you hold your breath, and how deep do you go? This is because, for most people, they think only of the more extreme version of freediving, apnea. Apnea is, in short, when you focus on holding your breath for a longer period of time while aiming to reach a depth goal.
Most members of Trondheim Fridykkerklubb, however, use freediving as a gateway to experiencing the underwater world in a more relaxed manner. A huge part of being involved in a club run on a voluntary basis is the social aspect—making new friends and finding like-minded people with whom you can share your passion, whether it’s going on ocean safaris, taking underwater photos and videos, hunting, or merely exploring marine biology.
Here in Trondheim we mainly practice in a pool during the winter months. This allows for a few things when training: you do not need to wear a wetsuit, thus you do not need weights and are more likely to be able to gain better breath control and work on depth increases.

Photo: Wil Lee-Wright
In regards to the art of holding one’s breath, most people can easily train to hold their breath for a minute and a half after a couple of sessions with a qualified instructor guiding them. How long a person can hold their breath is dependent on many factors: cardiovascular health being one, physical build being another, and the most core factor being technique training. Many who practice apnea find yoga and meditation help them reach their goals. There are different variations of the sport, such as dynamic and static apnea, and Constant Weight (CWT).
Dynamic apnea is when one swims, with or without fins, along or slightly under the water’s surface. Static apnea is when one floats face down in the water, slowing one's heart rate and pulse in order to achieve the longest sustained breath.
Within apnea, the discipline of CWT is practiced by taking a single breath and then diving along a rope, with or without fins, trying to reach a preset depth or your deepest goal. People practice this with either normal long free-diving fins or a mono-fin (which looks like a dolphin tail). There are other variations of CWT, and as a matter of safety, it should be practiced only by experienced divers, and always under supervision or at a special apnea training course.

Photo: Wil Lee-Wright
Since freediving is a sport involving water, boats, and the open environment, it should be practiced with close attention to safety and with other people to keep an eye on you. Trondheim Fridykkerklubb always allocates a dive leader who is in charge of tracking divers' locations, dive start times, and when they last surfaced for safety and record keeping. We always dive in groups of two or more, with people who enjoy the same type of dive, so the temptation to solo dive is non-existent.
Since freediving is a sport involving water, boats, and the open environment, it should be practiced with close attention to safety and with other people to keep an eye on you. Trondheim Fridykkerklubb always allocates a dive leader who is in charge of tracking divers' locations, dive start times, and when they last surfaced for safety and record keeping. We always dive in groups of two or more, with people who enjoy the same type of dive, so the temptation to solo dive is non-existent.
We also regularly conduct underwater clean-up days, finding massive amounts of waste, ranging from golf balls to porcelain, linoleum flooring, bikes, and all kinds of other trash. Being a freediver entails being a steward of, and caring for, the environment you dive in. The rule we practice is that you pick up whatever you find on the sea bed, thus helping keep our beautiful underwater world clean for more than just aesthetic reasons.

Photo: Wil Lee-Wright
Norway is a country brimming with natural resources, which allows for rich foraging and hunting, both above and under the surface. Many freedivers enjoy being able to hunt for their own fish and seafood. Hunting in scuba gear gives you an unfair advantage over your prey; hunting while freediving puts you on more equal terms. You’re in the fish’s world, and they don’t need to go up for air! A freediver will then have to play the strategic hunter, blending in with the surroundings and focusing in order to hunt at all.
A top tip, if you are keen on catching your own dinner, is that fish generally like areas with strong currents. But keep in mind that you’ll be fighting the natural environment. A spear gun or a sling are a diver’s most common fishing tools. Although flounder and bottom-feeders can also be caught using only a knife—if you’re a pretty good freediver, that is.
Picking your own berries and mushrooms is a national pastime in Norway, and there is no reason why foraging should only be kept above the water. Crab is pretty easy pickings and can be found from about five meters down. Crab is best in August and September when they have had the summer to feed and are full of meat, making them much more tasty. Harvesting crab for just the claw meat is a no-no, and taking more than you can eat is heavily frowned upon.
Respecting the ecological balance of the underwater world is an essential element of being a freediver, and freediving itself is a great way to raise social awareness of pollution and how it impacts the sea life living in this amazing world.
If this has piqued your interest and you want to dive into exploring the underwater world, do get in touch with your local club to see what they have to offer. It’s worth noting that Trondheim Fridykkerklubb is run on a voluntary basis, and we are so lucky to have passionate and committed freediving instructors. Our main aim is to encourage people, both children and adults, to try freediving, learn if this is something for them, and become a part of our community.

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